Everyone who once thought that WordPress was going to be just another fad in dynamic environments of web hosting, clearly got it wrong. WordPress not only did stand the test of time, but also successfully developed from a modest blogging tool into a versatile content management system platform used for an array of websites, including blogs, business sites, e-commerce stores, you name it.
Does that mean that web hosting providers whose offers don’t cover WordPress are missing out? Given the platform’s impressive lifespan – May 27th, 2024 marks exactly 21 years since the first WordPress release – and its growing popularity, we couldn’t be more sure that they indeed are. And we have a handful of evidence to fall back on.
Numbers at a glance
We get it – you might be just not that into all that WordPress buzz. Let’s go over some facts then. All in all, they speak for themselves.
- According to the W3Techs latest data, WordPress powers 43.4% of all websites on the Internet, which confirms its leading position among CMS platforms and translates into more than 474 million sites. This remarkable statistic is not hard to interpret: so many sites mean a large base of users who can briskly turn into your customers if your menu happens to satisfy their appetites for WordPress hosting.
- As shown in the W3Techs report, at the beginning of 2013, WordPress was used by only 17.4% of all websites, which indicates that its decade-long journey to becoming the top CMS is one of continuous growth and change.
- When it comes to analyzing websites that run on content management systems, the most recent W3Techs statistics point directly to WordPress as the holder of a 62.7% share of the CMS market. Taking into account that Shopify, the second rated competitor, lags far behind with its 6.3% share, it seems that WordPress’s presence in the CMS arena verges on a monopoly. The undeniable shift toward WordPress tells us this: the platform boasts the degree of innovation that is particularly desired in the web hosting community, which is why it keeps attracting so much global attention.
There’s more to it all…
…than bare figures can say. Offering specialized WordPress hosting is not merely about providing a space for users to upload their WordPress sites, but about equipping them with the right tools and environments to make their experience as smooth and efficient as possible. Many hosting providers, like WP Engine, have aptly recognized the modern trend and made their offers embrace advanced management solutions. WP Toolkit is widely recognized as one of the top tools of this sort. When integrated into the user interface, it grants you the ability to:
- install WordPress with a single click
- manage multiple WordPress sites from one interface
- create staging environments, where users can test changes and updates in a safe space before applying them to the live site
- easily manage extensions and visual elements as well as the user roles and permissions
- utilize automatic updates
- taking advantage of easy site backup and restoration.
WP Toolkit is typically integrated into control panels such as cPanel and Plesk, which allows users to manage their WordPress sites alongside other essential hosting tasks, all in the comfort zone of a single interface. What’s observable, there has also been an urgent demand for management platforms like PanelAlpha – ones designed to be highly intuitive and focused predominantly on the user. Thanks to the implementation of advanced capabilities for smooth navigation and task automation, such solutions ensure that even those with limited technical knowledge can manage their sites with minimal effort.

Take WordPress for it
In a market where many providers already offer specialized WordPress hosting, going against the flow may lead you nowhere but straight to lost business opportunities. Nowadays customers usually know what they want, and they can quickly find out how to get it. In order to stay competitive and secure profits, you need to make sure to stay on the radar with your robust, accessible and easy-to-use WordPress hosting solutions.