# Remote Backups
Under Configuration → Servers → Remote Backups, you will find a dedicated section for managing remote backups. By default, if no remote backup is set up, only local storage backups will be generated regularly.
Connection types:
# Connections
This section displays all connections to APIs and servers, including FTP or S3 providers.
To establish the first connection for remote backups, simply click the "Add" button and input the necessary details.
- Name - any name of the new connection
- Type - select the connection type, choose between an S3 provider and your FTP server, depending on where you wish to keep your backups.
# FTP server
Select the protocol: FTP/ FTPS or SFTP and then provide appropriate connection details:
- Host
- Username
For FTP/SFTP: - Password For SFTP - Choose the authentication method first:
- Password or
- SSH Key:
- Private Key
- Passphrase - this field is optional
- Port Number
- Path
Test the connection, if successfull, confirm by pressing the Add Remote Backup button.
# S3
For any S3 provider, please enter the API connection details to establish a successful connection. Below, you will find exemplary connection configurations for the most popular S3 providers.
Please keep in mind that the data visible on the screens is randomly generated and cannot be used in a live environment.
You will need following data:
- Access Key ID and Secret Access Key - Refer to this guide (opens new window) for instructions on how to generate the access details.
- Region - Specify the region where your bucket is located using one of the regions supported by AmazonS3 (opens new window). For example, enter "eu-central-1" for the "Europe (Frankfurt)" region.
- Endpoint data in not required
# Virtuozzo
- Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
- Endpoint
- Use Path Style Endpoint - check if you wish to use this style for endpoints. Note that by default, the virtual-hosted style is used for endpoints by Virtuozzo
# iDriveE2
- Access Key ID and Secret Access Key - Refer to this guide (opens new window) for instructions on how to generate access keys.
- Region - Specify the region where your bucket is located using one of the regions supported by iDriveE2 (opens new window). For example, enter "de-fra" for the "Frankfurt" region.
- Endpoint
- Use Path Style Endpoint - check if you wish to use this style for endpoints. Note that by default, the virtual-hosted style is used for endpoints by iDriveE2
# Blackbaze
- Access Key ID and Secret Access Key - Refer to this guide (opens new window) for instructions on how to generate access keys.
- Endpoint
- Use Path Style Endpoint - check if you wish to use this style for endpoints. Note that by default, the virtual-hosted style is used for endpoints by Blackbaze
# Containers
List of containers where client backups will be stored. For instance, there may be a single FTP connection, but backups will be stored on three distinct containers.
The "Containers" section includes:
Information on the container ID, name, container location (with icon, connection name, and location), and assigned rules
Actions available for a container:
- edit
- configure rules
- remove container
# Adding new container
To add a new container, navigate to the container page and click the "Add" button. Please note that you must first add at least one connection before adding a container. A form will then appear, prompting you to provide the following data:
- Name
- Connection - choose from the available options in the dropdown menu.
- Container location
Additional Configuration:
Save a backup in local storage - disable/enable
Set up the Maximum size of backups per site (GB)
Set up the Maximum number of backups per site
Define the Type of created backup:
- "Full Only"
- "Full & Incremental" - in that case, additionally define the following settings:
- Full Backup Frequency - specify how often a full backup shall be crated, for example every three backups a full backup will be created
- Full Backups to Remain - define how many full backups should remain
- Incremental backups to remain - define how many incremental backups should remain
# Container rules
Establish criteria for when the container is utilized for remote instance backups. Click the action button next to the selected container to configure the rules.
Choose the rule type and then allocate the relevant value to it. For instance, assign a server, a plan, a specific service, client, or even an individual instance. If an instance falls under multiple rules, it will adhere to the one that is highest in the hierarchy, i.e., the most accurate.
Rule assignment hierarchy, from the most important to the one with the least importance:
- Instance
- Service
- Client
- Plan
- Server
- Server group
To illustrate: A container rule configuration for a plan will be more accurate than for a server group. Similarly, if a client is assigned to one container (e.g., container "1") and the client's plan is linked to another container (e.g., container "2"), following the hierarchy described above, the instance will be backed up in container "1".
# Logs
Section to store all logs related to creating automated backups feature with extra filtering options per container or connection.
The logs list includes the following data: related instance, container, type of backup (manual or automatic), backup mode (full or incremental), if created in local storage, action status and finally information on when the action was begun.